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Legislative Report

March 2024​




  • BALLOT COUNTING. Why does it take so long to count ballots? The primary election results will not be certified until April 12. On March 11, Carl DeMaio, Bill Essayli and Richard Grennell wrote to CA Sec of State calling for them to speed up the count and stating California should be leading the Nation in speed, accuracy and transparency – not finishing last with a broken electoral process. Let’s get back to same day voting, counting, paper ballots and voter ID.


  • PARTIAL TERM SENATE RACE FINAL RESULTS. As of this writing, Steve Garvey was leading Adam Schiff for the partial term Senate Seat. He is in close second for the primary in November running against Schiff (and has already been called by AP). Schiff spent millions on ads promoting Garvey’s “Too Conservative Views.”  This was a strategic move to get rid of Katie Porter. He thinks facing Garvey is a sure win for him. Can we prove him wrong?




  • KRISTIE BRUCE-LANE will be running against Patel. Let’s make sure she wins the general for California Assembly.


  • BONO! Will be facing off against Scott Peters in November. Peters has the money and Bono has the heart, ethics and morals. Can we help him beat Peters?


  • GUNDERSON. Will be facing off against Mike Levin in November. Many of us would have preferred Kate Monroe, but when adding up the Republican voters for the various candidates opposing Mike Levin, this is a possible pick-up. CAN WE MAKE IT HAPPEN?


  • BILL WELLS. Looks like he will be running against Incumbent, Sara (Qualcomm money) Jacobs. Sarah is about as Marxist as you can get. BILL WELLS needs our support.


  • San Diego County House Reps:  SCOTT PETERS, MIKE LEVIN, SARA JACOBS voted against the Laken Riley Act that would amend federal law to require immigration and Customs Enforcement to issue detainers and take custody of illegal aliens who commit theft-related crimes, such as shoplifting, as defined by state and local authorities. Additionally demands Biden to reinstate “Remain in Mexico.”  37 Democrats joined all Republicans in passing this law. These San Diego County reps along with other Democrats voted against. They all should be required to have townhall debates so that citizens can confront them with questions on this vote, along with a number of other anti-American votes (in lockstep with the democratic party).


  • The Panera Bread Exemption:  Remember that $20/hr minimum wage increase imposed on fast food franchises? There is an exception. Chains that bake bread and sell it as a standalone item, are exempt. Oddly, that exemption stands to benefit Greg Flynn, the second-largest Panera franchisee in the world. Glynn & Newsom go way back, attending the same high school. Flynn has donated to Newsom’s gubernatorial campaigns and has bragging rights to his close relationship with Newsom. But, per Newsom, nothing to see here, move along….


  • California Dream Home Ownership program. Last month we wondered whether this was available to illegal aliens. Since the language wasn’t clear enough, new legislation drafted would clarify that. “Undocumented immigrants” (better known as illegal aliens), would be included for eligibility for the loan program to purchase a home.”


  • Is California deliberately causing “Climate Change”? The CA Dept of Water Resources report outlined the systematic plan to perform “precipitation enhancement” (which is cloud seeding or weather modification) in hopes of creating more rain. These projects use silver iodide as the active seeding agent, supplemented by dry ice. Sometimes liquid propane is used. So.. they are spraying silver from the ground and planes.  The dry ice is frozen concentrated CO2. No complete or rigorous comprehensive study has been made of all California precipitation enhancement projects. No word on how many millions California taxpayers are dishing out on this “project” or the negative effects on the environment.


  • California already phasing out trucks? A tow truck driver owns a 2008 flatbed tow truck, but the DMV will no longer register it due to the CA Air Resources Board regulations. To retrofit the truck, he would have to completely swap out the motor and have a ceramic diesel exhaust filter installed. If the DMV won’t allow registration of vehicles, then we are already down the rabbit hole of administrative take-over of our energy and environment.


  • California Election Integrity? The Public Interest Legal Foundation is suing election officials in Alameda County (includes Oakland & Berkeley) for refusing to disclose those foreign nationals who are on the voter rolls and have voted in past elections. This is a statewide problem, and we need to elect candidates statewide that will force cleaning up the voter rolls.


  • Illegal Alien Invasion in San Diego County. We need to spread the word far and wide. Taxpayers are funding this invasion, not only through Cali taxes, but also federal tax dollars paid to the NGO’s. American citizen taxpayers are OVERWHELMINGLY opposed to this. How do we get the elected officials to represent US Citizens over the lobbyists?


  • HOUSING CALIFORNIA. Want to envision what our California elites imagine for California citizens/taxpayers? Check out “The Roadmap Home 2030 is a bold, long-term plan to create the future WE want for California by building affordable homes, protecting low-income renters, ending homelessness, and advancing racial equity and economic inclusion”. Not sure who they are referring to when they say the future WE want. Who are the “WE”?


  • KLAMATH RIVER DAM REMOVAL. Last month we reported the announcement that California secured more than $20 million in Federal Funds to Support Salmon Fisheries. Newsom removed 4 “obsolete” hydroelectric dams (which provided energy to the area), to save the salmon that are supposedly suffering due to drought and climate change.  WELL……things are not working out so well. Seems that this brilliant experiment has resulted in “everything, every living mollusk, crawdad, turtle, fish, insect in and along the river is DEAD!.”  Please see more info at: And  Will there ever be an apology from our betters? Or a scale-back of all the untested regulatory changes that have been mandated and coming to Californians at lightning speed? Jason Roberts from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife said. “I don’t think anyone thought water going through this tunnel would cause gas bubble disease, or we obviously wouldn’t have done it.”  DUH!


  • CALIFORNIA’S RACIAL JUSTICE ACT. This passed in 2020, whereby every felon serving time in the state’s prisons and jails can now retroactively challenge his or her conviction and sentencing on the grounds of systemic bias. This act is turning California into a farce. Look for incarcerated criminals being let out of prison in record numbers in the name of social justice. More details at:





  • AB2031 ONE CALIFORNIA PROGRAM. Existing law requires the State Dept of Social Services to provide grants to qualified nonprofit organization through contracts, to provide persons with certain immigration-related legal services. Under existing law, a component of those grants is aimed at legal services to unaccompanied, undocumented minors. This bill would have changed the criteria and expand those qualifying services to  provide legal services to an illegal alien who had been convicted of or currently appealing a conviction for a violent or serious felony. Update:  The public outcry was so great – this bill has been shelved for now.


  • AB 2442 EXPEDITING LICENSURE. Healing arts: expedited licensure process: gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care. Existing law requires the Medical Board of California, the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, the Board of Registered Nursing, and the Physician Assistant Board to expedite the licensure process for an applicant who demonstrates that they intend to provide abortions within the scope of practice of their license.  This bill would also require those boards to expedite the licensing for gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care.  In the meantime, Britain (in following the science), has banned the use of puberty blockers for children that identify as transgender.





  • THE INVASION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. As most of us are aware, the Democrat party (Marxist party?) has masterminded this invasion, facilitated the invasion and provided taxpayer funding to pay for the invasion. A great article outlining the details can be found at  “An immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining” by Todd Bensman, Center for Immigration Studies.


  • SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) is the latest regulatory capture that flies above voter scrutiny. The new reporting rules by the SEC (not by law, but by edict), will force companies to disclose whether they are prioritizing climate change concerns. Article can be found at  Update:  Judge has put a stay on this regulation.  Numerous lawsuits challenging this rule have been filed.




  • The California Pandemic Early Detection and Prevention Institute Initiative (2024) is a combined constitutional amendment and state statute. A “Yes” vote supports increasing the income tax by 0.75% for individuals with incomes over $5 million for 10 years and dedicating revenue to the California Institute for Pandemic Prevention, the Community Pandemic Response Fund, and the School Disease Spread Prevention Fund. The state envisions collecting between $500 Million and $1.5 Billion annually. The new institute would be established and tasked with awarding grants related to pandemic prevention initiatives. Who will make up this Institute and how will they be compensated? Who do the grants go to? And why would the wealthy stay in California when they already pay the highest taxes in the country?


  • California Remove Voter Approval Requirement for Public Low-Rent Housing Projects Amendment (2024). Legislators put on the ballot as a Constitutional Amendment. A “yes” vote supports amending the California Constitution to repeal Article 34, which requires local voter approval via a ballot measure for federal and/or state government funded housing projects classified as low rent. California has tried this ballot initiative 3 other times and it was defeated. This removes the constitutional requirement that constituents of any community are allowed to have a say in low-income housing locations.


  • California $18 Minimum Wage Initiative (2024). A “yes” vote supports increasing the state minimum wage to $18/Hr by 2026 for all employers (regardless of size of company) and thereafter adjusting the rate annually by increases to the cost of living. The current minimum wage is $15/Hr. Last year a law was signed increasing the minimum wage for fast food and health care workers to a minimum of $20/Hr.


  • California Lower Supermajority Requirement to 55% for Local Special Taxes to Fund Housing and Public Infrastructure Amendment (2024). A “yes” vote supports lowering the vote threshold from 66.67% to 55% for local special taxes and bond measures to fund housing projects and public infrastructure. If approved, this would also apply to any local measures also on the ballot in November. Dr. Gary Galles, economics professor at Pepperdine states “ACA 1 would sharply lower Proposition 13’s 2/3 voter threshold to 55% where funding “infrastructure” is so vaguely defined that virtually anything could qualify.  It would open the door to massive new tax hikes to give Sacramento politicians what they want from property taxpayers without giving them their money’s worth of return.”


  • California Oil and Gas Well Regulations Referendum (2024). This referendum was placed on the ballot to overturn a bill passed in 2022. In this case, it appears the “yes” vote is keeping the law, and a no vote would overturn. In the current reading, voting “yes” would put additional regulations on domestically produced oil and gas. In researching how to vote, look to groups supporting a shutdown of oil and gas, such as Central California Environmental Justice Network, Earthjustice, Sierra Club, Voices in Solidarity Against Oil and Newsom, of course.


  • California Prohibit State Limitations on Local Rent Control Initiative (2024). The initiative was designed to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act enacted in 1995. That act prohibited rent control on single-family homes and houses completed after Feb 1, 1995. Voting “yes” on this initiative effectively allows local authorities to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control. If you would like more reasons to oppose this measure, again looks at those in favor of it:  Justice for Renters, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, Housing is a Human Right, with sponsorship by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.


  • California Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment (2024). Amends the California Constitution, repealing Proposition 8 (which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman). Proposition 8 was invalidated by the US Supreme Court in 2015, which protected same-sex marriage under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.   This amendment would also add language to section 7.5 of Article 1 of the state constitution establishing a right to marry as furtherance of the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and privacy and the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the state constitution.


  • California Two-Thirds Legislative Vote and Voter Approval for New or Increased Taxes Initiative (2024). A “yes” vote supports amending the state constitution to define ALL state and local levies, charges and fees as TAXES and to require new state taxes proposed by the state legislature to be enacted via a two-thirds legislative vote and voter approval and new local taxes to be enacted via a two-thirds vote of the electorate. (Most of us signed the petition to get this on the ballot). It appears the Ballot Title that we will be voting on in November may be changed to read, “Limits Ability of Voters and State and Local Governments to Raise Revenues for Government Services.”  Aah, what a difference in nomenclature. Voters need to go to the ballot box informed. In the meantime, Newsom and Bonta are suing to remove this constitutional amendment from the ballot (using your tax dollars).


  • California Vote Requirements for Initiatives Requiring Supermajority Votes Amendment (2024). This ballot initiative appears to negate the other Constitutional Amendment on the November ballot which requires a Supermajority to approve new taxes. Per Dr. Gary Galles, Econ Prof at Pepperdine, “It was put on the ballot to prevent another ballot initiative already set for November 2024 from being able to pass. The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act would restore Proposition 13 protections that courts have eroded. Passing this amendment would undermine the possibility of such a restoration.” 

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