Legislative Report
SAN FRANCISCO OPENS TAXPAYER FUNDED ‘FREE’ GROCERY STORE. The “Food Empowerment Market” is funded by taxpayers. The 4,000 square foot store is part of a pilot program providing “free and healthy multicultural groceries” to residents “experience food insecurity in the Southeast corridor of the city. Per Mayor London Breed, “Equitable access to fresh and healthy food options is critical for communities to thrive and to ensure we take care of the City’s most vulnerable residents.” The market is open to residents of three SF zip codes who receive public assistance, are referred by a community organization, have dependents under 25, OR have a qualified diet-related illness. (You don’t qualify.)
ANOTHER PROGRAM? GOLDEN STATE PATHWAYS PROGRAM is just one initiative (of many taxpayer funded programs) to help students transition from high school to college and career training. California released $470 million to 302 school districts, charters and county offices of education to fund the program. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE NEW MASTER PLAN FOR EDUCATION, NEWSOM’S VISION TO TRANSFORM CAREER EDUCATION IN CALIFORNIA. More can be found under edsource.org, however I couldn’t find anything specific to tie these dollars to actual value (except more administrators and counselors?).
WE MUST DESTROY THE LAND TO SAVE THE EARTH? In Kern county, 4,000 Joshua Trees are being cut down to build a solar farm. Most of the trees are 8 feet tall and at least 80 years old. Nothing to see here – no hypocrisy whatsoever. https://www.yahoo.com/news/solar-project-destroy-thousands-joshua-100000768.html
VICTIMS OF THE $20 FAST FOOD WORKER MINIMUM WAGE. California loses 10,000 fast food jobs after $20 minimum wage signed last fall. The higher prices can’t offset the increased cost of goods and labor and many restaurants are closing.
CALIFORNIA IMPROPERLY CLAIMED $52.7 MILLION IN FEDERAL MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT. The state must pay back the federal government, as these funds were used on behalf of noncitizens (illegal aliens) with unsatisfactory immigration status. It looks like California is about to spend $3.1 billion per year expanding the coverage to all illegal aliens here. Your tax dollars!SCOTT PETERS (CA 50), voted against the National Defense Authorization Act (Military Policy and Funding). He states, “FAR-RIGHT Congressmembers hijacked this process and inserted their radical war on LGBTQ rights, women’s healthcare and climate action (what are all these things doing in the NDAA in the first place?). In reality, Republican House members eliminated funding for DEI and Peters loves DEI. The Senate will throw DEI back in and send it to the house for reconciliation. Scott Peters must go – Vote Bono.
CALIFORNIA BUDGET DEFICIT. Despite the deficit, Newsom announces new appointments almost daily, increasing the state’s payroll for idiotic appointments. A “placeholder budget was passed by the legislators on June 15 and and they are negotiating with Newsome behind closed doors for July 1 deadline. In a recent vote to approve the budget, Republican Bill Essayli voted against the budget that cuts funding for education and public safety (I’d frankly cut funding for education too), but Democrats want $5.4 billion for illegal alien healthcare, so need to make cuts on safety, prisons and education.
CALIFORNIA ELITES GET RICHER, WHILE THE POOR GET POORER. A great explanation of the overall progressive California model as a warning to the world. Much to do with the green agenda, crime and regulations. https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/06/11/how-california-became-a-warning-to-the-world/.
SCA-2 ARTICLE 34 REPEAL. The CAGOP has made their recommendations on the various measures for the November ballot and is in support of SCA-2. The nickname is YIMBY (Yes in my backyard). If passed, SCA-2 will: Empower local governments to address low-income housing and homelessness by removing obstacles (the people that live in the community are the obstacle) that prevent needed housing from being built. Will Lead to more EQUITABLE housing outcomes and help address California’s severe shortage of SUBSIDIZED affordable housing. Will save taxpayer dollars by eliminating red tape (from homeowner’s opposition) and prohibitive local fees, making it cheaper to build PUBLICLY FUNDED AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS. I have no idea why the CAGOP is in favor of this measure.
THE REPEAL PROP 47 BALLOT INITIATIVE secured enough signatures (602,000) to make it onto the November 5 Ballot. The Ballot measure is called “” The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act.” The Act is designed to increase penalties for repeat offenders of drug use, drug sales and retail theft. Newsom did not want this on the ballot and is feverishly working with his super majority democrat legislators to write and pass 14 bills that contain a “Poison Pill”, designed to undermine any passage of the repeal. AG Bonta may still rewrite the “Title and Summary” that would insinuate this Act was soft on crime. Prop 47 was passed by voters in 2014 and was titled “” Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act” and has turned out to be anything but. With the California Governor and legislators at war against the voters, we have again gained national attention. More at WSJ Editorial: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-voter-revolt-grows-in-california-arrest-felony-ea392d13.
AB1955. BAN ON SCHOOLS NOTIFYING PARENT OF THEIR CHILD’S PRONOUN CHANGE. The California Senate approved with all 29 Democrats voting in favor and the 8 Republicans opposing. Those California Senators INCLUDING OURS – Senate District 39, Toni Atkins; Senate District 38, Catherine Blakespear. It’s hard to imagine 29 representatives, hell bent on wanting to destroy the family, but that’s what we have in the California Senate
AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PEDIATRICIANS: IMMEDIATELY STOP THE PROMOTION OF SOCIAL AFFIRMATION, PUBERTY BLOCKERS, CROSS-SEX HORMONES AND SURGERIES FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. You can find the full ACPeds statement at www.doctorsprotectingchildren.org. which is specifically directed to medical professional organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine etc. Despite all research data, California’s sick legislators continue to move forward with expanding the laws that permit and condone child mutilation and distancing parents from their children in school notifications.
FARMVASION. Nearly 40 Million Acres of Farmland has been purchased near military bases by foreign, non-ally countries. This poses a threat to not only our national security, but our food security. The countries purchasing the most land are Iran, Cuba, China, Russia and Venezuela. More information at: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4720483-farmland-water-international-corporations-world-war-risk-the-grab-documentary/
CAL MATTERS bills itself as “Nonprofit, nonpartisan state news.” (Hmmm, I’m not buying the non-partisan thing). CalMatters held their inaugural Ideas Festival. Barbara McQuade participated in a discussion stating that disinformation is a threat to democracy AND true patriotism is a commitment to truth (whose truth?). All will be well if you believe in HER truth, THEIR truth. If only THEY could overturn that pesky 1st Amendment.
SPENDING ON SCHOOLS IRRELEVANT. The Democrats’ only solution to the fact that our public schools are awful is to spend more money on them. This policy has been going on for decades with terrible results. Per US News Report, California ranks #37 in over-all-public education with an average cost of $20,000/student.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS. Many of you may remember the scholastic book fairs at our public grade schools. Delightful books, low prices and a fun experience. Things have changed a bit with Scholastic. Seems they are fully onboard with the sexualization of children and promoting the lgbt pride indoctrination. Parents and grandparents, be informed: https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/10/scholastic-promotes-lgbt-indoctrination-with-read-with-pride-guide-for-parents-teachers/
THE PITFALLS OF THE GREEN AGENDA. A great article on how the green agenda is destroying humanity: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-green-road-to-tyranny/.
IGNORE THE POLLS. Republicans have a major turnout problem. More at: https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/12/ignore-the-polls-republicans-have-a-major-voter-turnout-problem/. It’s not just an RNC vs DNC effort, the conservative must fight against a $2 Billion effort by the progressives funded by dark money from bad actors. A whole host of organizations have raised almost unlimited funds (i.e., Arabella advisors, Arabella Group Hopewell Fund, American Bridge, etc. You can watch the interview of RNC’s McGinley and Steve Bannon which distinctly lays out the Left’s Plan to steal the election at https://RealClearPolitics.com.
SEXUALIZATION & MUTILATION OF CHILDREN AS “GENDER AFFIRMING” The majority of all people (world-wide) are not confused about gender and do not seek to sexualize our children. Per David Limbaugh, “Idolatrous worship and militant promotion of gender confusion has become a state established religion, more violative of the First Amendment Establishment Clause than anything Christians have done in decades, maybe since states did away with established religion.”
GIRLS ONLY IN GIRLS SPORTS. No boys in girls’ locker rooms, bathrooms or in competition.
KEEP GAS CARS LEGAL. We didn’t vote on it and the public doesn’t want it.
REPEAL PROP 47. Contact our California Assembly and Senate members and let them know that you oppose the poison pill perversion. Even our democratic reps think we are not following the underhanded machinations. Let them know we see – and we are watching – and they better oppose.
SHARE THE REPORTS FROM THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PEDIATRICIANS AND THE CASS REPORT. Sends to friends and relatives of all political persuasions, as well as all our legislators, demanding an end to gender transitioning of our youth and adolescents. https://acpeds.org/press/pediatricians-release-position-statement-reviewing-over-60-studies-on-mental-health-in-adolescents-with-gender-dysphoria. Cass Report: https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/. The government is weaponizing the state against the family. God will not be mocked. We were created in his image.
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